Saturday, August 14, 2010

sunrise in venice

teaching myself how to do time-lapses is a lot like feeling my way around in the dark. I had picked my current camera (mind-you i LOVE my camera) thinking that it would have the capabilities embedded in it, but au contraire, it was taken out due to its HD video capabilities, blessing or curse? I had to purchase an external remote to be able to do time-lapses and because I'm not one for reading manuals, never really learnt to use my remote properly ><. I like to tell myself that it's just a way to create surprises for myself (brilliant surprises in fact), because today, i discovered that i didn't actually have limitations on how many pictures i can take per set before i had to restart my remote! I'm going to ignore the irony in that my own misgivings is the actual reason for my happiness at the moment and am just going to enjoy this moment.

may i present to you a timelapse of "Sunrise in Venice", music by Keren Ann "Au Coin du Monde"... enjoy!

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