Friday, April 3, 2009

2009 memorable dream VII | April 03

the basement adventure.

i'm visiting somewhere from somewhere. my god-mother's house on a sea-side cliff, at the bottom of the cliff, access through the "harbour road" (no, she does not in reality own a house on a sea-side cliff).

yet somehow the interior typology is that of sunny life 1 except for an additional door in the garage that lead to the "basement".

Maritis their long-time housekeeper was around, with two additional members on the staff, both ..... non-human, if i remember correctly, one was a robot maid, and the other was a zombie. so we were all playing, the kids... and then somehow, we had decided we would go explore the basement. the funny thing is... non of the kids enter, the two non-human staff went instead, claiming that we were mortal, and therefore more dangerous for us to partake in the adventure, and that they would go instead of us, and report back their discoveries when they come back.

i wasn't exactly happy about it, but... somehow i didn't have a chocie, so we sat around the door and waited (i think i wasnt my current age during this dream, because i considered myself a kid the whole time. or maybe i'm just a kid anyways... :P) .... and waited, and up till the moment i woke up in the morning, nothing else happened.

waiting drifted off into half sleep when you're about to wake up yet still sleeping, you know, the sensation that you are aware of your surroundings, but not entirly awake. like when your brain is lucid, but your body is not....

"sunny life" is the name of the complex we lived at in Taiwan, when i was in middle school.
rows of town houses are paired off, two rows share a half-level elevated garden walkway as their "front door". and then on the back side of it, you share a driveway with the row on your other side, half a level below your front door. This creates a typology where your garage sits right beside, but half a level below your living room, and your kitchen/living room half a level above and thus, overlooking your living room. different parts of this complex constantly appear in my dreams in bits and pieces... reaons may be because I had most of my childhood fun here, and had also thought it was quite a nice typology.

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